Since its creation, BIODATES has worked to preserve nature through its commitment to organic farming. And considers the human as the center of all its concerns. From this commitment was born its social policy, one of its pillars of which is the exercise of fair trade respecting an ethic of sharing and solidarity between all the actors in the value chain.

  • 1. Certification :

    To engage in a supervised and transparent process, BIODATTES has chosen to comply with two fair trade standards which are FAIR FOR LIFE BY ECOCERT and FAIR TRADE by MAX HAVELAAR

  • 2. Beneficiaries :

    The beneficiaries of this fair trade policy are all the players in the value chain.

  • 3. Aids :

    Aid can be of several kinds (human, financial, technical or material) and is determined independently by the solidarity fund management body. The company agrees to contribute to any project decided by this body without any preconditions The general orientations are determined over 3 years with examination of the project plan each year

4. Commitments and objectives :

Through its human and benevolent practices and in all spheres of its involvement (production, trade, recruitment, employment, etc.), the company wants to show a united and humanist face towards all stakeholders.

As a result, the objectives of the company's fair trade policy are those established by the beneficiaries themselves.

And for each penny obtained by the sales of fair trade products, the company commits its own funds from one to three times the value of the fund to complete the projects decided by the fair trade project management body.